Thursday, December 27, 2007

- Where ever you are keep logged into facebook -

Facebook is evolving so rapidly with hundreds of thousand users joining daily. With its unique platform and language (Facebook Markup Language), thousands of softwares are specifically developed for it, and several new coming out every day. How much do we use Facebook? Some spend most of the internet time on it and most use it daily.

From student to a billionaire in just 3 years, founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has become so famous. He boasts creating a virtual world on Facebook platform, with every citizen becoming a netizen. Intrigued by the user friendliness and ease of collaboration we are starting to depend more on it; for political purpose, educational purpose, staying connected with distant relatives and friends, and for killing time doing cool things. Even some of us use it in the bathroom as well!!!!:P

Would other networking sites like myspace, hi5, LinkedIn, and wayn would lose the game because of Facebook? If it grows so rapidly, it’s hard to say " NO " TO FACEBOOK ...


Unknown said...

hehe.. true man... well, i haven't used it in the bathroom yet. guess, i should try... hha... :) nice article..

.mini said...

well i think its just a phase
eventually something will come as its competition and divide people you know :P