Monday, December 10, 2007

Fading Away....

The smell burnt into the pillow
The shirt I bought you from London
The note I wrote you on your birthday
The book I thought you would like
I was wrong

The picture of us stanched in the album
The toothbrush left near the sink
The ice cream with the flavor only I liked
The Billy Joel tickets I thought you would like
I was wrong

The movie we left in the middle
The song I sang you in that restaurant
The one joke that made you laugh every time
The gift I thought you would like
I was wrong

The memory of us washed with the waves
The small meaningless love moment lost in time
The one thing we had we thought would never be lost
I thought you wouldn't let me fade away
I was wrong


PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

vara salhi!!! kewl

.mini said...

is this a song or something you've written?