Monday, November 26, 2007

~ All Souls (A - Z) ~

"A" is for, "all" of them
"B" is for, the "broken" hearts
"C" is for, those "calls" they made
"D" is for, when a "dream" starts.

"E" is for, "everything" left undone
"F" is for, those "fallen" heroes
"G" is for, the "good" times
"H" is for, where the good "heart" goes.

"I" is for, the pain "inside"
"J" is for, the "joined" hearts
"K" is for, the "kindness" shown
"L" is for, what "love" imparts

"M" is for, the "misery"
"N" is for, "never" more
"O" is for, the loved "ones" passed
"P" is for, that "pass" through Heaven's door.

"Q" is for, the "quiet" times
"R" is for, "rest" in peace
"S" is for, their mortal "souls"
"T" is for, the "true" release.

"U" is for, "until" we meet again
"V" is for, the "veteran" in us all
"W" is for the "war" we wage
"X" is for, the "x" factors call.

"Y" is for, "you" and me
"Z" is for, when we reach our "zenith"
With all those names, A to Z
That we'll all, someday, be with.


iecco said...

hehe cool one lil bro ;)