Monday, May 21, 2007

Waiting For Transformers....

Hey guys n gals m waiting for transformers film to release.Hehe now also counting da days.Here's a lil bit abt tht enjoy it.. On July 4th, a film called Transformers is going to hit theaters around the United States. This version of Transformers is very, very different from the Transformers franchise that fans of Optimus and company grew up with. In fact, it’s almost nothing like the Transformers you may have grown up with. Still, that’s not the end of the world…it just twists some of those “TransFans” the wrong way.Which is why I think all of you that are interested in this new Transformers Universe should pick up this mini-series from your local retailer.This serves as a good primer (if you’ll pardon the reference) to the movie version of the Transformers universe. There is no Matrix of Autobot Leadership mentioned, the history between Optimus and Megatron is different, and of course, the look of everything is different than what you may be used to.The story serves to set up the movie, giving us more details on why Bumblebee is the way he is (this no talking thing is going to drive me nuts while watching the movie…I can already tell because it drives me nuts in the comic). We get to learn a great deal about the Witwiki Family, and based on the number of panels that focus on Spike’s gradfather’s glasses - that’s going to be important.I can’t say that this story is essential to the Transformer’s movie experience or anything, but if you want to get familiar with the version of the Transformers you’re going to be seeing in the theater, then you need to should check this mini-series out.


Anonymous said...

all excited to c movie..its gona rock!!!

Anonymous said...

im all excited to c de movie now

Leem Simpson said...

its a bit like Alien vs predator dho
btw why are the two comments so same in time.Did you comment to your own post

- Shiphattey - said...

nah nah i didnt comment on ma own of ma bro commented on it n his comment did not he again its in the same time...